Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hug scrapbook layout

I made this today for a competition. My first try at sewing on a page - ouch! My poor finger!

Garden flowers

Practising my close-up photography again.

Clip clop

Ugh, you know those silly toy shoes that get sold for little girls? Well we bought Shaelyn a pair last Sunday. They were broken before we even left the shops, so she didn't get to wear them. Rob's dad offered to repair them and we had to put up with 3 days of incessant "where are my shoes?" questions. *sigh* Anyway, Dad brought the shoes around on Thursday and Shaelyn was clip-clopping around the house with them until yesterday afternoon, by which time they were broken again. We'll buy her new ones tomorrow!

Tristan's art

I have a cold or something and yesterday I decided to spend the morning in bed. When Tristan heard that I was sick, he made these two drawings for me. The first one is me in the sun. The second one is me with my remote control alien - see the remote in my hand and the alien on the ground next to me? :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Shopping cat

Hippie dog

The kids were drawing with their chalks outside and Meg happened to lie on one of the drawings. Then she was walking around for the rest of the afternoon with a flower print on her side!

The terrible twins

I love it when cats sit next to each other like this and mimic one another's movements!

Me and my shadow

Note to self

Always check the tumble drier before closing the door!

Monday, July 09, 2007

9 July 2007

Another cheat pic! I took it last month, but it could have been taken today - weather-wise anyway!!! Table Mountain as we were driving. That's Canal Walk and Ratanga Junction on the lower right of the photo.

8 July 2007

Shaelyn doesn't really like sweets like lollipops and jelly beans, but give her chocolate and she's a happy little girl! This is her plate of Astros. We had to put them in a plate cos she was spilling them all over the floor!

7 July 2007

How awesome is this cake!? We went to a birthday party on Saturday and this was the birthday pair's cake (brother and sister). The white things on the mouth are the candles.

6 July 2007

Another cheat photo, taken on another day! These dolls live in the bathroom, their lilypads float so the kids play with them in the bath. On a side note, I'm quite pleased with this photo because it was not blurry! I struggle to get my close-up photos perfectly sharp.

5 July 2007

Another pet photo, this is Megabyte our Labrador. We call her Meg or Meggie. If you look carefully you'll see that her one canine is broken - she chews things!

4 July 2007

My toe socks - that's what I call them to differentiate from "normal" socks! These ones are special cos the moons and stars on them glow in the dark and look hilarious! My sister gave them to me, which is rather funny as she and I both have quite a "thing" for glow-in-the-dark goodies. As kids we always used to steal the glowing toys from each other! That said, I think she's worse than me in her passion for it - the ceiling of her bathroom is painted with glow-in-the-dark paint. It looks amazing, but I don't think I'd go that far. I have the leftover tub of paint and I don't know what to do with it....

3 July 2007

This is Tristan's star chart, he is working towards getting a Bionicle toy that Rob bought. We were going to just keep it for him for Christmas but he found it and has been nagging for a week to get it, so I decided to make him earn it. 12 stars and he gets his toy - that's what the little picture-thingie at the bottom of the chart is supposed to represent. He decorated it for me. (He's up to 4 and a 1/2 stars now, by the way!)

And it was colllllllld again this morning!

2 July 2007

I made this moon when I was pregnant with Tristan, one of my experiments. Each side is different. Both kids played with this as it hangs over where the changing mat used to be.
And then below is the real deal - the moon above my kids' school when we dropped them of in the morning.

1 July 2007

A "cheat" photo, one I took in June. This plane flew overhead and I snapped 2 pics of it.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sibling cuddles

I was wondering why the kids were so quiet, and when I walked into the lounge I found them lying together on the couch and watching their movie - sooo sweet!

29 June 2007 - high rise

This is the view from the top floor of the building that I work in. 'Scuse the quality it was taken with my cell phone camera.

28 June 07 - Fascinating!

Lily watching Tristan preparing to brush his teeth.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Baby it's COLD outside!

This is our dashboard thingie showing the temperature this morning!
As you can see, taken at 7:50am, listening to Heart 104.9FM, only 83.4kms driven since we filled up.

Then I turned to my window and took a photo of the mountain.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bit of a delay in my posts

I'm petrified to see what our phone bill is going to look like. We're still on dial up, so I have been logging in at night to post my pics. I'm going to curtail that and rather post my week's worth of pics over the weekend. Thank you to those who pop in and have a look!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bath time

I always have to wash out the bath before I fill it because our 3 female felines like to sit and play in the bath. And as soon as I start running the water Lily, or Milo, or both, come running to watch the water in fascination... as seen.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I see youuuu

Shaelyn peeping through the toilet roll core.

Monkey see:

Monkey do:

Yesterday's photos (22 June 07)

I tried (lots) to upload these but my dial-up was not co-operating. Grrrr.

OK, so I am probably a bad mom for admitting this, but all the pointless scribbles my kids have and are currently producing, do nothing for me. I far prefer this kind of thing! These are some examples of Tristan's art. I love that he can write his name backwards! LOL

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Inspiration optional

I felt so uninspired yesterday, so I took no photos. Today I just stalked my kids and got these two:
This is one of Shaelyn's shoes, she found them at Edgars and insisted that I buy them for her. I call her "Disco Dolly" when she wears them, to which she responds, "I'm not, I'm Shaelyn."

And this is Shaelyn's bath dolly. A kewpie doll. I hate kewpie dolls, but this fitted the requirement of being hairless, so we bought it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I think my family (yes, all 4 of us) have a bit of a shoe fetish. This is about half of the shoes that I own and about a third of Rob's shoes!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

I have the giggles

This is the reason you are supposed to wash your hands properly after applying self-tan! Every time I caught sight of my hand today I got the giggles!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Two pics today

The first is one that is worrying me, this is a close-up of Tristan's finger. It's looks awful, doesn't it. I've never seen a sore go like that before (he cut himself). Rob says it's nothing to worry about, but Tristan won't let me touch his hand. I put Bactroban and a plaster on it, I'll have to see how it looks in the morning.

And at last, a photo of the elusive and beautiful Milo. She's Lily's sister and she is the sweetest, most lovable little thing, and she loves me! We have 4 cats, 3 love Rob and 1 loves me, namely Milo! :D

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Can I have some cheese with that hamburger?

Tristan, hamming it up for the camera.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Shaelyn's new thing, when she is filling her nappy, is to pull her pants down to her ankles and shuffle around for say.. oh an HOUR or so. OK, I'm exaggerating, but she really hates being A) bothered while doing her business and B) having her bum cleaned after doing her business! So this was a photo taken this evening. She skelled me out after taking it for taking a photo of her bum! LOL!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Living in a box

Living, I'm a living in a cardboard box... Close enough, here's Lily in a box!