Sunday, March 23, 2008

Beach babes LO

Lily the pink

Whoo-hoo, I actually got a decent photo of one of our cats. They either squint or look away when I try to take a photo, and if I try without the red-eye and flash, they move and I end up with a blurry smear! This is Lily, AKA Lily the pink AKA The Bin Raider AKA Pissy Puss (she pees in the bath!)

Sunday, March 09, 2008


I love this photo! DH took it of us on Tuesday morning. My gorgeous munchkins!

Some of my layouts

Whoo-hoo, I've been doing some paper scrapping (at last).

The blue LO is about our holiday last year September - it was fabulous! The sketch is from Creating Keepsakes latest issue.

The other one is about Tristan's first tooth to fall out. I don't want to let on that the tooth fairy doesn't exist, so I deviously hid the tiny little toofer in a shaker box!