Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hippie dog
Monday, July 09, 2007
9 July 2007
8 July 2007
7 July 2007
6 July 2007
5 July 2007
4 July 2007
My toe socks - that's what I call them to differentiate from "normal" socks! These ones are special cos the moons and stars on them glow in the dark and look hilarious! My sister gave them to me, which is rather funny as she and I both have quite a "thing" for glow-in-the-dark goodies. As kids we always used to steal the glowing toys from each other! That said, I think she's worse than me in her passion for it - the ceiling of her bathroom is painted with glow-in-the-dark paint. It looks amazing, but I don't think I'd go that far. I have the leftover tub of paint and I don't know what to do with it....

3 July 2007
This is Tristan's star chart, he is working towards getting a Bionicle toy that Rob bought. We were going to just keep it for him for Christmas but he found it and has been nagging for a week to get it, so I decided to make him earn it. 12 stars and he gets his toy - that's what the little picture-thingie at the bottom of the chart is supposed to represent. He decorated it for me. (He's up to 4 and a 1/2 stars now, by the way!)

And it was colllllllld again this morning!

And it was colllllllld again this morning!