Saturday, August 11, 2007
Clip clop

Ugh, you know those silly toy shoes that get sold for little girls? Well we bought Shaelyn a pair last Sunday. They were broken before we even left the shops, so she didn't get to wear them. Rob's dad offered to repair them and we had to put up with 3 days of incessant "where are my shoes?" questions. *sigh* Anyway, Dad brought the shoes around on Thursday and Shaelyn was clip-clopping around the house with them until yesterday afternoon, by which time they were broken again. We'll buy her new ones tomorrow!
Tristan's art
I have a cold or something and yesterday I decided to spend the morning in bed. When Tristan heard that I was sick, he made these two drawings for me. The first one is me in the sun. The second one is me with my remote control alien - see the remote in my hand and the alien on the ground next to me? :D